Also this year, we successfully renewed the ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 certificates

12. 4. 2024

Certifikata ISO 9001 in ISO/IEC 27001

At INFORMATIKA, we strive to constantly improve business processes in order to provide the best possible services for our clients and the highest possible level of security of information and information systems, both ours and those of our subscribers.

Our efforts in the field of managing the quality of business processes and ensuring the information security for our own company and our clients have been confirmed by a successful assessment and renewal of the IS0 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certificates.

ISO 9001 is an international quality management standard based on eight principles important for good business practices and successful operations: customer focus, leadership, employee involvement, process approach, systematic approach to management, continuous improvement, fact-based decision-making and fair relationship with business partners. Re-extending the certificate proves that our services and solutions meet the prescribed quality standards, and at the same time enables us to evaluate the changes and improvements that we constantly implement in our operations.

Receiving the ISO 9001 certificate confirms that quality is extremely important for the company at all levels of operation. We emphasize professional treatment of partners, authentic communication, adherence to agreed deadlines and legal regulations, and at the same time we strive to minimize the number of complaints.

We plan, implement and check quality, thus guaranteeing it in all areas of business, including error prevention. We are committed to continuous improvement, which contributes to satisfied business partners and employees, as well as to successful business and company growth.

The ISO/IEC 27001 certificate confirms the adequacy of the data protection processes of the company’s and the data of our clients and business partners. In the company, we are constantly upgrading and improving security standards, every year we are also subject to an external audit, which verifies compliance with the prescribed standards and confirms or rejects the validity of the certificate. The successfully conducted certification audit according to the ISO 27001:2013 standard, with no inconsistencies found, demonstrates our efforts in the field of ensuring the security of company and client data and confirms our reputation as a trustworthy partner.

In INFORMATIKA, we use a combined management system consisting of a quality management system and an information security management system for the provision of information services, the construction of comprehensive information systems, the development and maintenance of software products, the services of the cyber security operations center, and the sale of software solutions.

    A successfully completed audit testifies to our successful operation in the field of information protection and demonstrates our commitment to continuous development and monitoring of measures and procedures to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our customers’ and our own information.